Hvac Install Quote!

This form will give you an instant range based off of your answers to these questions. You don't have to give us any personal information! Unless you would like a Contractor to verify the estimate.

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Installation Cost Estimate
Installation Cost upper range $

Installation Cost lower range $
You selected that this price range is acceptable. 
You selected that this price seems a bit high. This will decrease our chances of locating you a contractor but if we can, your estimate should come out closer to this price.  $
You selected that this price is too high for you. This will greatly decrease our chances of locating you a contractor but if we can, your estimate should come out closer to this price.  $
You selected that you would like to do as much of the work on your own as possible to get the lowest price possible. This will greatly decrease our chances of locating you a contractor. A lot of contractors frown on this sort of installation due to obvious liability reasons but there are some willing to make an arangement like this. If we can locate a contractor your estimate should come out closer to this price.  $

This Project estimate Includes Installation of material supplied by the Homeowner. Typical customer supplied equipment is: Condenser, Blower, Coil, Furnace, Lineset, Thermostat, and any new ductwork required to adapt the existing unit. Typical equipment the Contractor will supply is: Refrigerant, PVC Piping, and parts required for the Installation of customer supplied equipment required to swap out an existing system with a like configuration. Contractor supplied equipment should will not include any one Item that cost over $20. This estimate does not include permits. Ask the contractor if a Warranty is included in this price and the details. Lastly always verify that your contractor is licensed.

If you are unsure of the answers to these questions you can fill out just the contact info and a representative will help you.

Please have someone contact me to verify this quote.